Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Rapunzel let down your hair

It was the weekend chore that I had to do, orders from my boss (I am married you see). I was told I need to chop that hair of mine and it better look good this time. So I paid a visit to the barber. This barber is a truly integral and important part of the society. Imagine a world without barbers. We would be dressed in Armani suits giving presentations to a room full of guys with hair which would put Rapunzel to shame. Also one really needs to respect the barber, after all he has a Blade and a pair of scissors in his hands. My barber did what he is best at. Snip and Snipe and I was in ship shape (I thought). One never really knows what transpires in front of the mirror. Anyhow he cuts; I would think it looks all right. Only till the time you reach home and see that look on the face of your beloved. I really had it messed up today. Gel can spike it up a bit. Or a heavy dose of Hair Oil might help. But my wife found the best solution to the problem she gave me a cap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha.....like the way you both express your experiences/feelings in words......

2:15 AM  
Blogger accidental diva said...

lol...think u shud ask your barber for a refund:):)

9:20 PM  
Blogger Thanai said...

Hey Swati,
Communication is the key.
hey Diva congrats on getting engaged you will find similar situations too so buy a cap now itself ;-)
I almost like the cut that he gives when I am sitting in front of the mirror. They get a mirror show the cut at the back side and take ur approval. I always give him the "nod". So I am not sure why no one else likes it! May be I need to see the Opthalmo(whatever)

11:44 AM  

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